Red-footed Falcon & Icterine Warbler influx in Catalonia
Between 15th May and 25th May we have had a huge influx of both Red-footed Falcons and Icterine Warblers in Catalonia. Both species are scarce migratory birds in spring, mainly in mid May. Influxes of both species are likely to occur when West winds dominate the Mediterranean, diverting some birds from their natural migratory routes throughout Italy.
Still, these days we haven’t had any special West winds in the Mediterranean but a rather dominant North wind that has been unusually strong, specially in mid spring.

Numbers of Red-footed Falcon kept more or less into normal parameters until 15th May, when some big flocks started to appeared in the country, especially in the North (near the French border) and in the West (steppe lands). Still, after 17th some really big flocks have been recorded in the steppes (over 100 individuals in Plans de Sió, Lleida) and several individuals and even small flocks have been recorded out of the normal localities for them (Llobregat Delta and other localities around Barcelona itself).
At the same time, a big influx of Icterine Warbler was noticable from 19th May, with tens of individuals singing along the Catalan coast, many of them inside Barcelona itself (over 16 males singing in Motnjuïc in 20th May) and Llobregat Delta (>6 males) as well as other localities around. Still yesterday a minimum of 3 males where singing in one of the Llobregat Delta Natural Reserves, allowing wonderful sights of the birds!