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2 Days at Ebro Delta

Ebro Delta is one of the most important Mediterranean wetlands. This well known huge delta, formed along centuries thanks to the sediments brought to the river mouth by the river, and the mountains around offer unforgettable sights on key species all year round, providing up to 140 species of birds in spring and autumn, and a average of 100 the rest of the year in a two days long outing.

Day 1. An awesome variety of lagoons, marshes, pools, salt plats and paddy fields hosts an infinite variety of birdlife and it will allow us to find interesting species such as Audouin’s Gull (above), Slender-billed Gull, Caspian Tern, Collared Pratincole, Greater Flamingo or Gull-billed Tern. Along the day other interesting species could easily appear including Lesser Short-toed Lark, Glossy Ibis, Squacco Heron, Little Bittern, Purple Heron and Cetti’s Warbler as well as a countless number or terns, herons and waders that always includes the chance for some scarcities.

Day 2. In the very early morning we’ll explore a reedbed area that is home to a number of Warblers including Great Reed and Moustached Warblers as well as Eurasian Penduline Tit and overwintering Bearded Reedling, Black-throated Diver and Eurasian Bittern. Our next spot will be the Tortosa-Beseït Natural Park. This is a remarcable point for raptors, especially for the scarce Bonelli’s Eagle, Eurasian Griffon and Golden Eagle.

These rocky slopes with their scattered, low scrubs (called “garrigue”) along with the extensive almond orchads would allow us to find Common Rock Sparrow, Subalpine Warbler, Melodious Warbler, Western Orphean Warbler and holds prime winter residents such as Wallcreeper and Alpine Accentor.

Seasonal Highlights

  • Spring. All 9 European herons nesting in 
    Ebro Delta along with Greater Flamingoes, Glossy Ibis…
  • Spring & Summer. Massive colonies of gulls and terns (including Caspian Tern, Whiskered Tern, Audouin’s Gull and Slender-billed Gull)
  • Spring & Summer. Bonelli’s and Golden Eagles as well as Montagu’s Harrier and Griffon Vulture nesting in mountainous areas around
  • Autumn. Tones of waders and other birds on passage
  • Winter. over 200.000 waterfowl
  • Winter. The area supports rare species such as Booted Eagle, Wallcreeper, Yelkouan Shearwater, Alpine Accentor  and Red-breasted Merganser
  • All year round: its 340 species of birds recorded is a guarantee for exciting birdwatching all year round!!
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    Moustached Warbler

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    Little Stint

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    Blue Rock Thrush

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    Western Swamphen

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    Bonelli’s Eagle

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    Temminck’s Stint

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    Squacco Heron

    Tarifas Preus Prices

    All year round
    2 Days Itineraries               1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people
    Raptors & steppe birds 550€ 750€ 890€ 970€
    Ebro Delta 580€ 790€ 940€ 1050€

    All prices include birding guide services; transport in comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle; itinerary transport expenses (fuel, road tolls); continental breakfasts; dinner & 1 night of accommodation (price based in twin rooms). VAT included in all prices.

    Excluded: Personal items, lunches, any other item don’t listed as included.

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