Red-footed Falcon in the Pyrenees
In May 15th was recorded one 1st-summer male Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in Catalan Pyrenees, near the city of Puigcerdà. This spring has been recorded a strong migration pass of this species along the Catalan territory with many birds recorded in different areas of the country.
This male was hunting insects in open fields near the small Sanavastre village. Along the morning it was a strong fighting between the young Red-footed Falcon and a Common Kestrel couple that is nesting in this area and is using the same cornfields to feed in. The Common Kestrel male was specially agressive and spend most of the morning trying to get the Red-footed Falcon off from the best hunting fields of the area.
Escrito por Carles Oliver en .