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Darien & Central Panama

Panama is one of the youngest nations in the American continent. The country is mostly a narrow strip of land; a natural bridge connecting Central and South America that embraces the isthmus and more than 1,600 islands off its Atlantic and Pacific coasts. This tropical nation is renowned as the site of the Panama Canal, which cuts throught its midsection.

The area of Darien is one of the most biodiverse areas in the country. Pristine forest, roaring waterfalls, forest streams, and thriving ecosystems are just some of the features that make Darien such a special place for humans and wildlife alike. The indigenous Embera-Wounaan have made Darien their home for centuries, living alongside jaguars, night monkeys, tapirs, giant anteaters, and of course, the majestic Harpy Eagle.

During our Harpy Eagle tour, as we venture into this wild landscape, we will come prepared for an adventure. Riding in dug-out canoes, hiking muddy forest trails, and crossing rivers will all be part of our experience on this trip. The intrepid will be rewarded with amazing views, colorful birds, and memories to last a lifetime. During the tour we will have good chances to enjoy a long list of specialties and sought-after birds living in the amazing habitats of the Darien area, including Great Jacamar, Black-crowned Antpitta, the often difficult to see Black-eared Wood-Quail, Xoco Sirystes, the rare Dusky-backed Jacamar, King Vulture, Jet Antbird, Rusty-winged Antwren & Spectacled Parrotlet to name only a few of them!


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Day 1: Arrival in Panama

Welcome to Panama! Upon arrival at the airport, you will transfer to the hotel nearby the airport where you can enjoy a relaxing dinner and prepare for the start of your tour tomorrow. Overnight at Riande Aeropuerto Hotel.

Day 2: Cerro Azul

Today we’ll enjoy a day of birding in the cooler foothills of Cerro Azul and Chagres National Park. Yellow-eared Toucanet, Sulphur-rumped, Emerald, Speckled and Rufous-winged Tanagers, Black-eared Wood-Quail, White-ruffed Manakin and the endemic Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker are all possible in this region! We’ll scan the open vistas for King Vulture and Ornate Hawk-Eagle, and even Harpy Eagle can be seen here. Cerro Azul is a paradise for hummingbirds and hummingbird photography – White-tipped Sicklebill, Violet-capped Hummingbird, Snowy-bellied Hummingbird, Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer, Green Hermit, Purple-crowned Fairy, and Rufous- crested Coquette can be found here. We’ll enjoy a light picnic lunch in the field, surrounded by the beautiful nature and climate of Cerro Azul. Overnight at Riande Airport Hotel

Day 3: Nusagandi

After an early breakfast, we will leave our hotel and begin our journey towards Darien, an authentical pole of biodiversity in Panama. Our first stop will be in the area of Nusagandi, a protected area of the Guna Yala indigenous people. This forest in the continental divide shields several important birds such as the rare Sapayoa and Spiny-faced Antshrike, as well as the Slate-throated Gnatcatcher, Black-crowned Antpitta, and Black-and-yellow Tanager. Overnight Avicar Hotel.

Day 4: San Francisco & Darien

Today we will drive to the San Francisco Forest Reserve, a protected lowland forest and watershed. This is a great spot to search the skies for soaring raptors. With the addition of riparian habitats and agricultural fields, a diverse collection of birds can be found here, such as the endemic Yellow- green Tyrannulet, Orange-crowned Oriole, Great Jacamar, White-fronted Nunbird, Blue Ground Dove, and Spot-crowned Barbet, to mention a few. In the afternoon, we will continue east, heading to Meteti. Overnight in Bela

Day 5: Harpy Eagle Nest

Today we enter into the realm of the Harpy Eagle. We will get an early start and today’s journey will include driving approximately one hour, riding in a dug-out canoe across the Chucunaque River, and a hike through Darien forest to the Harpy Eagle nest. Please keep in mind that even though the nest will be active, we cannot guarantee that the eagles will be in sight. During our hike several other birds can be observed including Gray-cheeked Nunlet, Xoco Sirystes, Black Oropendola ,Golden-headed Manakin, Pied Puffbird, and White-headed Wren among others. We’ll watch for mammals along the way. Northern Tamandua, Mantled Howler Monkey, Geoffroy’s Tamarin, sloths, maybe even a Tayra may cross our path! After our time at the nest, we will retrace our steps back to our hotel, birding in strategic spots along the way, as time allows. Overnight at Bellagio Hotel Meteti or similar.

Day 6: Nuevo Vigia Embera & Darien birding

Darien is the land of several indigenous communities. The Embera people are among them. Today, we will visit one of their villages, Nuevo Vigia. This community is surrounded by excellent bird habitat and home to many regional specialties. To get there, we’ll start our day on in a dugout canoe on the Chucunaque River where we’ll watch for Capped and Cocoi herons, Green Ibis, Yellow-backed Oriole, Gray-lined Hawk, Mangrove Swallow and more along the water’s edge. Along the shaded trails at the village we will look for Red-billed Scythebill, Agami Heron, Bare- crowned Antbird, Gray-cheeked Nunlet, OIivaceous Piculet, and Little Cuckoo. In the open areas we hope to see the very range-restricted Dusky-backed Jacamar, as well as Barred Puffbird and Spectacled Parrotlet. The community has been involved in ecotourism and nature tourism for several years now, and the members of the village offer beautiful hand-made woven plates, bowls, carved cocobolo wood and other colorful artisan handicrafts for sale. We will continue birding the Darien lowlands this afternoon. Overnight at Bellagio Hotel Meteti.

Day 7: Birding along PanAmerican Highway to Panama City

After an early breakfast, we will make our way back to Panama City. Along the way, we will scan the open fields for Savanna Hawk, Crested Caracara, White-headed Kite and other roadside species. A stop at Bayano Lake will give us the chance to see Pied Water-Tyrant, Cocoi Heron, and Jet Antbird, among others. Rio Mono Bridge also offers opportunities to see some Darien specialties including Rusty-winged Antwren, Orange-crowned Oriole, One-colored Becard, and Red-rumped Woodpecker. Overnight Riande Aeropuerto Hotel.

Day 8: Departure

Enjoy breakfast and a final morning of birding on the grounds of the hotel at your leisure. Then you will be transferred to the airport to catch your return flights home.

Información adicional

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7 nights of en-suite, twin room accommodation; all meals along the tour; 2 birding guides (expert local guide + BBP tour leader); fees to all natural areas and reserves during the tour; transportation expenses during the tour; transportation in air conditioned vehicles.

Please contact us if you want us to include your flights Barcelona-Panama-Barcelona. VAT included in all prices.


Transportation to/from Barcelona International Airport (only if not flying directly to Panama): beverages out of water: Visas (if required); laundry service and any other item not listed as “INCLUDED”.


For those tour participants reaching Panama by their own, assembling & briefing will be done around the Panama Airport (we will provide you with exact details during the booking process).


During the tour we will basically sleep in Lodges. When possible, we have chosen Eco Lodges or accommodations that are closely involved in wildlife and primary habitat preservation. All rooms along the tour are en-suite. All evening meals will be in the accommodation. 


All Passports must have 6 months of validity beyond the return date. EU, US, UK & Canada nationals don’t require a VISA to get into Panama (for a period of up to 90 days). A tourist VISA is required for some nationalities. There is no mandatory vaccinations to enter Panama. Please check standard health and innoculation requirements applies in your local authorities. Please note that some prescription or over the counter medicines are banned in Panama, please check your Panaman Embassy before travelling. 

Reportes de viaje:



Por persona


Por persona

Suplemento habitación individual:




Próximas Ediciones:

From April 13th to 20th, 2025

Data inici:

Data fi:

April 13th / 20th,


8 days, 7 nights

Tamaño de grupo:

8 clients + 2 tour líders


Tour Leader:

Eugeni Capella

Tarifas de grupo:

10% off when booking 3 or more seats

Price in twin room. VAT included
  • Black-throated Trogon

  • Harpy Eagle

  • Red-capped Manakin

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