About Barcelona Birding Point
Your gate to birdwatching
Barcelona Birding Point is a global birding travel agency created with the aim of providing quality guided birding and wildlife tours. We aim to provide our costumers with the best birding experience possible while at the same time playing an active role in wildlife preservation. We actively work with local communities to promote rural development at the same time that helping to raise awaraness of the importance of species and habitat conservation.
Year after year we have been adding new offshore birdwatching experiences and nowadays we do offer birding tours to 15 different countries and 4 continents. Over 80% of the clients coming to our tours are from the UK, US, The Netherlands and Canada. When booking in one of our tours, you can expect a mixed of nationalities where it becomes easy to exchange experiencies and points of view of every kind.
Besides, those avid birdwatchers visiting Barcelona will keep finding on our website a wide range of tours which cover the most oustanding birding areas in Catalonia, and neightbouring regions. Our tours will lead you throught some of their best birding locations, where you can enjoy the most sought after species along with stunning scenery.
We will continue to work on a proactive tourism in the conservation of wildlife. Birding tourism can have a very positive impact on how socities value their natural heritage and, in this way, make societies more attentive to proper protection of the environment.
What can you expect from a BBP birding holiday?
A relaxing but intense birding experience which will be fun, friendly and have a sense of purpose and discovery.
We aim to choose locations that are rich in both birdlife and other wildlife.
Despite we always start the day with a clear plan, we adapt to your personal preferences, and we may stop to take in sights of any interesting wildlife we come accross on the way.
This may include butterflies, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, orchids,…
If you are a keen photographer you can rest assured that there will be time to take photos of creatures and landscapes that we may discover.
We work with small groups. Maximum 7 clients out of very few tours.

Our team
Carles Oliver
Carles is a ten years experienced birding guide not only in Catalonia and Spain but also in Europe, tropical Africa and the Middle East. He coursed Geography from the University of Barcelona and studied Fauna & Flora Management at the University of Cádiz. Since 1998 he has been involved in numerous studies of Catalan birdlife, especially raptor migration (1998-2008) and Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring in both the Pyrenees and Llobregat Delta. In 2010 he founded Barcelona Birding Point.
Birds have always fascinated and delighted me since chilhood and I count myself extremely lucky to have been able to make them my career since I decided to give up the day job and make my living as a birding tour leader. I’m glad to share my passion about birds and all nature with new people, creating new friendships all the time.
Sergi Sales
Professional birdwatcher for over 20 years. Sergi is Agronomist amd Environmental Advisory. During many years was in charge of the ringing campaigns in different natural parks in Catalonia, including Ebro Delta. Nowadays is mainly studying steppe birds and bird communities related to wetlands. Former member of both Spanish & Catalan Rarities Commitees. Taking part in birdraces along with official Swarovsky Rarebirdspain Birdracing team.
Every day I’m more satisfied of living my biggest dream, to live my passion. After these years I’m still enjoying every single minute I spend birdwatching in the field and monitoring birdlife.
Eugeni Capella
Avid birdwatcher and traveller, Eugeni’s passion for birds has brought him to all five continents on Earth. He consolidated himself as a birdlover when he was 14, during a nature camp in Ebre Delta Natural Park. Since then he has collaborating in a variety of projects related with monitoring and preservation of birdlife in Catalonia and South America.
In 2019 he focused in being the first of counting 1.000 species of Ecuador in a journey of only 75 days. The expedition exceed its own remarks as they got 1.048 species of birds, and captured photos of up to 901 of them. Like this, they became the expedition with a highest number of birds ever recorder in a single country with no use of internal flights. Now, his new challenge is to guide other birdwatchers throught the New World birds, sharing his knowledges and his passion.
My authentical passion is to look for birds. The only action of watch them is highly pleasant to me, and the contact with nature allows me to enjoy a very different world for a while.
Alan McBride
Alan has been bird and wildlife watching for over fifty years, from his early days spent either birding or train spotting in his native Lacanshire to his arrival in the Antipodes 30 odd years ago.
On top of his personal travels Alan has guided for a number of bird tour operators on a casual basis. In fact one of his original four week circular Australian tours where Alan devised the itinerary in 1978 now forms the basis of a number of Australian tours each year for many of the larger bird tour operators! He has seen a large number of Australia’s birds (over 766 species) and has visited most of the top bird areas of Australian many, many times.
He started the famous deep water Sydney/Wollongong pelagic trips back in 1978 taking over an existing inshore tour operation and turning it into two to four times per month pelagic excursions for over 25 years and recording many firsts for Australia in the bird and cetacean worlds. Having been on over 800 pelagic trips off Australia he is well versed in seabird identification!
What we do propose you?
On our website you will find a wide range of birding tours and outings, from local birding immediatly around Barcelona to tours exploring Mongolia, Uganda or Oman to name a few.
Worldwide famous by its open bussiness philosophy, colourful street life and great cultural and architectural heritage, Barcelona is a prime destination for millions of people. However, the city has also an important natural heritage nearby and it is one of the few large European cities offering a variety of ecosystems which are easily reached in less than two hours by car. These include high mountain grasslands, endless pine, oak or fear forests, large coastal wetlands, extensive steppe-like plains, and a large variety of more or less dense and low garriga srcublands.
We offer a wide selection of tours which will allow you to explore all of these areas, from one day to four days long trips, to explore the most important birding hot-spots in Catalonia and the Western neightbouring region of Aragon. Wallcreeper, Lammergeier, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, European Roller, Moustached Warbler, Dupont’s Lark, Citril Finch, Spectacled Warbler, Little Bustard, and Audouin’s Gull are only a few of the most sougth after species for the clients interested in these outings!
At sunset you will stay in a rural accommodation placed in wonderful settings. The exclusive guest houses we use offer the possibility to enjoy European Roller, Montagu’s Harrier or Lammergeier from their gardens! We do our best to ensure that the accommodation we choose during our tours in Catalonia (and, if possible, in any other country around the world), offers traditional home-made cuisine using local products.
When taking a look in our website you will find a fine selection of tours exploring some major birding destitations all over the world. Some of the most popular tours include The Gambia (3 issues), Morocco (7 issues), or Finland (5 issues).
These tours are planned to go for all major specialities in the area to explore but always taking special care on what’s commoner in the area.
In the last years, we have been organising exclusive tailor-made birding tours for pairs and individuals. These tours can be arranged to explore every destination to be found on our website, and even longer!
At least, we keep organising all our birdwatching experiences from an ethical point of view that we can summarize in a single sentence: The less disturbance we do in wildlife, the better the tour becomes.